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DiagProg 4 FULL UPDATE winter sale is ON! Update your DP4 now!

Diagprog 4 updates

DiagProg 4, as you know, is a highly sophisticated programming device designed to work with various electronic modules of a wide range of vehicles. This tool is capable of hi-end programming operations and mainly used for mileage correction, dashboard programming, and other supported functions.

Many of our customers know that we make promotional sales of DP4 kit or its updates in collaboration with DiagProg 4 manufacturers. And now the time has come, it’s time to update your DiagProg 4 to the latest available to this day version for a reasonable price. Yes, the winter sale of DiagProg 4 is ON. It will last from 30.01.2020 to 18.02.2020, and the best thing is the price! You can fully update your DP4 kit just for 3199 EUR.

Note! It doesn’t matter which software version you are running now on your DP4. This update will make it fully updated. Continue reading DiagProg 4 FULL UPDATE winter sale is ON! Update your DP4 now!